
This tutorial is a continuation of our contracts interacting tutorial. If you have not completed that tutorial, please do so before working with this tutorial. Once we have a chain made, some contracts deployed to our chain, and a script to interact with them, we may want to be able to share that script with our colleagues or we may want to turn that script into a longer running microservice which is necessary for the applications we’re building.

To do this we will need to do two things: (1) docker-ize our scripts or daemons; and (2) marmot-ize our docker image.

Along the way we are going to learn more about how docker works and how eris leverages docker under the hood to simplify your blockchain application making and operating.


We are going to change the old idi contract so that it does a few things for us, which will be helpful for us to learn about docker and eris later.

Copy Over Your Previous idi Application

cd ~/.eris/apps # or, wherever you made the idi app
cp -r idi idi-service # or whatever you would like to call it
cd ~/.eris/apps/idi-service

That will give us a new base application. Now this tutorial will assume that your simple chain is still around and that all of the key and capabilities based permission is all well and good. It will also assume that your contracts are running on the chain. If you have followed the previous tutorials and are coming back to this later with no docker containers or anything (but you have all of the old files on your hard drive) that is a-OK. With eris we can get you back up and running in no time.

Change Idi’s app.js

In the previous tutorial Idi was interactive. Typically interactive applications (CLIs) are not what we would use eris-services for. So what are eris-services? Let’s ask eris.

eris services

Basically, services are daemons or microservices which you need for the applications you are running. “Things that you turn on or off.” They are quick to boot, easy to share, and very customizable. Basically they’re docker images. But in order to explore what this even means, we need to edit the app.js so it does a few things differently than the little cli version of idi we built before.

'use strict'
var contracts = require('eris-contracts')
var fs = require('fs')
var http = require('http')
var address = require('./epm.json').deployStorageK
var abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./abi/' + address, 'utf8'))
var accounts = require('./accounts.json')
var chainUrl
var manager
var contract
var server
// Instantiate the contract object manager using the chain URL and the account
// data.
manager = contracts.newContractManagerDev(chainUrl,
// Instantiate the contract object using the ABI and the address.
contract = manager.newContractFactory(abi).at(address)
// Create an HTTP server.
server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
                        var body
                        var value
                        switch (request.method) {
                        case 'GET':
                        console.log("Received request to get Idi's number.")
                        // Get the value from the contract and return it to the HTTP client.
                        contract.get(function (error, result) {
                        if (error) {
                        response.statusCode = 500
                        } else {
                        response.statusCode = 200
                        response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                        case 'PUT':
                        body = ''
                        request.on('data', function (chunk) {
                        body += chunk
                        request.on('end', function () {
                        value = JSON.parse(body)
                        console.log("Received request to set Idi's number to " + value + '.')
                        // Set the value in the contract.
                        contract.set(value, function (error) {
                        response.statusCode = error ? 500 : 200
                        response.statusCode = 501
// Tell the server to listen to incoming requests on the port specified in the
// environment.
server.listen(process.env.IDI_PORT, function () {
                        console.log('Listening for HTTP requests on port ' + process.env.IDI_PORT +

Copy this as the new app.js. Protip: Get it (after rm app.js) with curl -X GET -o app.js.

Note the changes between this script and the previous script. We’ve removed the interactive feature and replaced it with a REST API server.

In addition, we will be populating two variables from environment variables. In docker-land we often use environment variables as an easy way to get containers running how we want them.

With that in mind, when you’re crafting services for to be used in docker, it is generally a good idea to use env variables for when you want to answer the “how should I be running” question. Obviously many services will also use config files, but for eris systems we generally find it is better when crafting services to override config files with environment variables (and to override those with flags).

A Quick Test

Let’s do a quick test to make sure everything appears to be running correctly before we build this script into a docker image and subsequently into an eris service.

Step 1: Get the Chain On

eris chains ls

If your simplechain is running, then you’re chain is on, please skip to the last step in this Quick Test section.

If your simplechain is present but not running, then just start it with:

eris chains start simplechain

If your simplechain is not present, then just start it with:

eris chains new simplechain --dir simplechain

As usual, eris is a quiet tool. Let’s make sure our chain is running:

eris chains ls

Step 2: Deploy the Contracts

Let’s get our address as in previous tutorials:

addr=$(cat $chain_dir/addresses.csv | grep simplechain_full_000 | cut -d ',' -f 1)
echo $addr

Now we’re set up.

eris pkgs do --chain simplechain --address $addr


If you get an accounts not registered error, then check the following:

  • What are your addresses (cat $chain_dir/addrX)?
  • Are those addresses known to eris keys (eris actions do keys list)?
  • Are those addresses in the genesis block (eris chains cat simplechain genesis)?
  • What account does your epm.yaml use (cat ~/.eris/apps/idi/epm.yaml)?
  • What account does your account.json use (cat ~/.eris/apps/idi-service/account.json)?

If you have been following this tutorial sequence so far, that checklist should ferret out your problem (or you can find where to find the fix!).

End Troubleshooting

Step 3: Run the New app.js

node app.js

That should output the following message:

Listening for HTTP requests on port undefined.

If you do not have any errors, then you’re all set to go. Press Control-C to quit the app.


If you are on Windows, you will likely get the following error:

    throw new RangeError('"port" argument must be >= 0 and < 65536');

You can fix this with:

export IDI_PORT=1111

Make a Dockerfile

Docker. People love it or they hate. We think it has its place in the future of distributed systems and the marmots love it! Let’s see how easy it is to build a Dockerfile. First do this in your command line:

cd ~/.eris/apps/idi-service
touch Dockerfile

Then open the Dockerfile in your favorite text editor, and add the following line:

FROM node:4-onbuild

That’s all we need to tell docker what to do here, fun ha! Now we need to make one more change to our package.json. Edit it so it looks like this:

  "name": "idis_app",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": { "start" : "node app.js" },
  "dependencies": {
    "eris-contracts": "^0.13.1"

Note the changes here, we have added a start script to the package.json and we have removed the dependency for the command line tool (prompt).

Build Idi’s Image

OK. Now we’re ready to build our docker image!

docker build -t idiservice .

What this is going to do is to tell Docker to take this directory and build the Dockerfile in it. After it does, it’s going to give it a tag of idiservice. When you build a docker image you will nearly always give it a tag. Tags in dockerland are like names in other lands.


If you are behind a firewall, then you may need to let npm know which proxy to use to tunnel through the firewall. To do that, you’ll need to refactor your Dockerfile to look something like this:

FROM node:4.3.0
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install
COPY . /usr/src/app
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

End Troubleshooting

What is a Docker Image?

A Docker Image is a layered, statically compiled, file system. Each line in a Dockerfile represents a way to build the required functionality that is included in the produced docker image. You can think of docker images as the thing that can get us a whole lot of verifiable computing because of its deterministic methods of building and static nature. Once a docker image is built, it can never be changed. (But you can remove it and replace it with a new docker image of the same name of course).

In other words, it’s the “thing” that we’re going to “turn on or off” with the eris services commands. To see the docker images which we have available to us locally type:

docker images

The output of that command should look something like this:

REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
idiservice            latest              cbe1ec579e9b        3 minutes ago       666.5 MB   0.11.0              f771905fcd3b        2 days ago          995.2 MB     latest              6e8658f9aa86        2 days ago          785.9 MB     latest              11a6ba126b53        2 days ago          726.9 MB     latest              53137e76ae59        2 days ago          726.9 MB      0.11.0              d7ba8273bad3        4 days ago          739.4 MB
node                  4-onbuild           9e1063b1a9cd        11 days ago         642.6 MB     latest              7db20d196c40        11 days ago         756.7 MB

Note in the above, the REPOSITORY field and the TAG field. When we build docker images, they will generally default to a latest in the tag field. This is what can be analogized to our “master” branch. Docker generally thinks more in terms of “channels” than in fixed versions for many of the images produced within the docker ecosystem. In other words, generally docker image maintainers treat their images like Chrome “channels” rather than Git “branches”.

The ideas are similar.

The “name” we give an image when we build it generally looks like this $DOCKER_HUB_ADDRESS/$ORG_NAME/$NAME:$TAG for more information about building docker images see here.

Don’t worry too much about the VIRTUAL SIZE field. That is the size of only that image, but because docker images are layered they actually take up way less space on your hard drive. All the eris images are built off of (they use that in their FROM line, instead of the onbuild we used above). That means that what is stored on the hard drive for any one image is the VIRTUAL SIZE display for it minus the VIRTUAL SIZE displayed for

The onbuild image, during the build process will copy in the directory in which it is (including all subdirectories), run npm install and then set its command as npm start. These onbuild images for node make it quick and easy to get services running, but for more stable products, Docker recommends that they not be used because the image will change based on which onbuild was build-ed.

If we had really wanted to, we could have performed the previous tutorial without having node installed natively via using these onbuild images, but we find that nuance is better left for a later stage (meaning, now).

Build Idi’s Service

Great. Now we are ready to build the service definition file. A service definition file is the thing that tells eris how to “turn it on or off” where “it” is a docker image.

So let’s start by adding a service!

eris services new idi idiservice

What is happening there with the services new command is that the first argument given to it (idi) is the name of the service and the second argument given is the docker image name (complete with tag if not latest; here we’re going to use latest so we can skip it).

Now, let’s run the service.

eris services start idi

That should return you to your command line with no output. This is by design. Let’s check if the service is running.

eris services ls

Your service may or may not be running, depending on how fast you copy/paste. If the service is running and you wait a few seconds, eventually it will stop running. As we know from our testing it will loop through the sequence and then exit.

But where did the output go? Because eris services are meant to get out of your way, we keep the logs hidden from your view until you want to see what is happening. But now we do, so let’s look through the logs:

eris services logs idi

The log should look like this:

&npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using [email protected]
pm info using [email protected]
!npm info prestart [email protected]
npm info start [email protected]
$> [email protected] start /usr/src/app
> node app.js
/Listening for HTTP requests on port undefined.

Add a Dependency to the Service Definition File

To edit a service definition file we can either open ~/.eris/services/idi.toml in our favorite text editor, of if you have an EDITOR variable set in for your shell, then just use:

eris services edit idi

Update the file to look like this:

# This is a TOML config file.
name = "idi"
description = """
# idis service; cause i'm a learning marmot
status = "alpha" # alpha, beta, ready
name = "idi"
image = "idiservice"
data_container = true
chains = ["simplechain"]
name = "Casey Kuhlman"
email = "[email protected]"
dockerfile = ""
repository = ""
website = ""

What changed here? Well, we added a dependency on the chain. And we used the eris name of the chain we’ve been working with. We could also have that link be:

chains = ["$chain"]

Which would tell eris to use the “current chain” that was given to the service by flags. But we don’t need to worry about that just now. Let’s “hard code” in the chain for now. So do not do the above for the purposes of this tutorial.

What are dependencies to eris? Well, they tell eris under the hood to make sure that the dependent service (yes, services can depend on other services, see your mindy service with eris services cat mindy for a complex example) or chain is up and running before the “target” service or chain is started. Not only that, but eris will make sure there is a docker link between the dependency and the target service. This is very helpful because we no longer need to worry about IP addresses, hurray!

Updating our app.js for Dockerizing

Now we need to change one line in our app.js. The line where the chainUrl variable is set needs to read like this:

OK. Now let’s rebuild the docker image and restart the service:

docker build -t idiservice .
eris services rm --force idi # to remove the old service container
eris services start idi
eris services logs idi -f

That last command is similar to tail -f in that it will follow the logs until it exits or you press Control-C. Wow. So that’s pretty neat!

Modify our Service Definition File

Now that we’ve turned on idi a few times we’ll be ready to change a few things. We will have two levels of variables we need to pass into a “thing we turn on or off”. Generally we always put the things that won’t change that much as environment variables in the services definition file, and for variables which change more frequently we add the default in the environment variables and then override it from the command line flags when necessary to.

So now let’s add in the port to get rid of that ugly undefined in the logs. Edit the [service] section of your idi service definition file to look like this:

name = "idi"
image = "idiservice"
data_container = true
ports = [ "8082:8082" ]
environment = ["IDI_PORT=8082"]

Then rerun the “normal” service:

eris services rm --force idi
eris services start idi
eris services logs idi

Idi should now have displayed the port.

Test the Microservice

You can use curl to talk to your microservice’s REST API. First set the host variable based on which platform you’re using:


$ host=localhost

Mac OS/Windows:

$ host=$(docker-machine ip)

Now set Idi’s number to 1234:

$ curl --request PUT --data 1234 $host:8082

And retrieve it:

$ curl $host:8082

Let’s check the log:

$ eris services logs idi
&npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using [email protected]
pm info using [email protected]
!npm info prestart [email protected]
npm info start [email protected]
$> [email protected] start /usr/src/app
> node app.js
*Listening for HTTP requests on port 8082.
.Received request to set Idi's number to 1234.
&Received request to get Idi's number.

That’s it! You’ve made a service! Now let’s share it with our colleagues.

Share your Service

First things first, you’ll need a Docker Hub to push to. So make sure you have a Docker Hub account, (which we use at eris and have been very satisfied with), or an account with a corporate Docker Registry. Then make sure you are logged in:

docker login

We will assume for the purposes of this tutorial that idi was able to register the idi user name on Docker Hub. You should subsitute idi/ with your username, like: username/. Let’s get that docker image ready to be published to the world and then let’s publish it.

docker tag idiservice idi/idiservice
docker push idi/idiservice

OK. Now the docker image is available for the world to view it. Let’s change the service definition one more time!

image = "idi/idiservice"

Remember to use your username, not idi’s.

Now, let’s fire up IPFS because we will be using it to share our service definition file.

eris services ls

Check that it is running. If it is not running then start it with:

eris services start ipfs

Then let’s export our service to the world.

eris services export idi

In the output of the export command is a hash field. The whole output may look something like this:

POSTing file to IPFS. File =>   /home/coda/.eris/services/idi.toml

If it did, then the IPFS hash of the service definition file would be QmUxawH7yTQxPh4HZLSC1FsWGYy3XhJaBrhshZd78HWgkX. Post that on your Slack with a handy note for your colleagues:

Hey, idi's service is ready for testing, please run `eris services import idi QmUxawH7yTQxPh4HZLSC1FsWGYy3XhJaBrhshZd78HWgkX && eris services start idi` to get up to speed.

Obviously with your own language and your own hash.


Congratulations, you’ve just made your very own smart contract backed service running alongside and interacting with a permissioned blockchain! That is the end of our tutorial series for the first level of understanding of the eris platform. Please see some of our more advanced tutorials if you still are curious about the eris platform. But you should have all the base building blocks to building your own next-generation data and process management solutions!

Where to next?

You may want to next go deeper with some of our more advanced tutorials

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